Letting Go: A New Way of Being Together
Letting Go: A New Way of Being Together
Letting Go: A New Way of Being Together The seeds of awakening and love are in all people and all […]
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Prayer Works
Emily Cady wrote in Lessons of Truth, “God is not a being or person having life, intelligence, love, power. God is that invisible, intangible, but very real something we call life.” In Unity, we believe that God is the Energy, the Divine Source, the Ground of Being from which all things are made. God is all there is.
So, when we pray, we pray affirmatively. Co-founder of Unity, Charles Fillmore said that affirmative prayer is “the most highly accelerated mind action” that we can undertake to commune with God and transform our lives. When we pray affirmatively, we use statements that help us to bring our thoughts and feelings into alignment with the Principle of Truth – the energy and vibration of God.
I am PERFECT just the way I am!
As I relax into this wondrous moment, I know there is only One Divine Essence, One Pure Energy. I choose to call it God. It is Omniscience, Omnipresence, and Omnipotence. It is everywhere seen and unseen. It is being me right here and right now for there is no separation. I speak my word for [YOUR NAME HERE] for there is only One. I speak my word for peace and joy. I know that as pure Spirit I am whole healthy and complete in every way. As a spark of the Divine I am pure energy in motion. I am pure love. I am peace. I am at the center of all that is.
As I focus on this truth I know that as I allow this part of me to be my reality everything unlike it disappears easily effortlessly and with grace.
I allow the pure energy that is me to flow through every part of me healing and restoring all the shadows. The more I shine my light the better I feel. I feel a wondrous sense of relief as I release and let go of all that no longer serves mi. move through life with a deep sense of peace for I know that I am always looked after in perfect ways. I rejoice and give thanks for my life, for my family, for all that is good in me and all around me. Iam so thankful for my wonderful body. I feel a genuine sense of peace as I focus on all the good in my world. I know that I am never alone and I am so grateful, filled with hope and joy as I move forward with a sure sense of my divinity. I leave the how up to God and know that all my wishes, hopes, prayers and desires are always answered with ease joy and absolute grace this moment.
And so it is!
By James Dillet Freeman
Do you need Me?
I am there.
You cannot see Me, yet I am the light you see by.
You cannot hear Me, yet I speak through your voice.
You cannot feel Me, yet I am the power at work in your hands.
I am at work, though you do not understand My ways.
I am at work, though you do not recognize My works.
I am not strange visions. I am not mysteries.
Only in absolute stillness, beyond self, can you know Me as I am, and then but as a feeling and a faith.
Yet I am there. Yet I hear. Yet I answer.
When you need Me, I am there.
Even if you deny Me, I am there.
Even when you feel most alone, I am there.
Even in your fears, I am there.
Even in your pain, I am there.
I am there when you pray and when you do not pray.
I am in you, and you are in Me.
Only in your mind can you feel separate from Me, for only in your mind are the mists of “yours” and “mine.”
Yet only with your mind can you know Me and experience Me.
Empty your heart of empty fears.
When you get yourself out of the way, I am there.
You can of yourself do nothing, but I can do all.
And I am in all.
Though you may not see the good, good is there, for I am there.
I am there because I have to be, because I am.
Only in Me does the world have meaning; only out of Me does the world take form; only because of Me does the world go forward.
I am the law on which the movement of the stars and the growth of living cells are founded.
I am the love that is the law’s fulfilling. I am assurance. I am peace. I am oneness. I am the law that you can live by. I am the love that you can cling to. I am your assurance. I am your peace. I am one with you. I am.
Though you fail to find Me, I do not fail you.
Though your faith in Me is unsure, My faith in you never wavers, because I know you, because I love you.
Beloved, I am there.
Wherever I am; There Too is God
God. Spirit. Universe. Love. In finite field of pure potentiality. The All. It. The One. Life.
By whatever name or title, It is Absolute Intelligence creating Life.
It created me. I am.
My Life is the Life of God expressing, expanding, and evolving through all the situations and experiences of my life. Every attribute and quality of God is in me, for I am made from It. I am made of it. I am the micro of the macro. I remember and bless my true. I know to my core that my essential nature is the Nature of God.
When I resist change, Spirit reminds me, “I am change.”
When I feel excluded or judged, Spirit whispers, “You are My beloved.”
When I am exhausted and ready to give up, Spirit guides my way.
When I think no one understands, Spirit provides an opportunity to be deeply seen.
When I just don’t get it, Spirit provides the answer .
When my buttons are pushed, Spirit laughs and asks, “ They are your buttons, right?”
When I am feeling helpless , Spirit is whispering; I can only change myself.
When my old stories keep recurring , Spirit reminds me to write a new story .
When I need to be right, Spirit reveals infinite possibilities.
When I want to run away, Spirit asks, “You are safe. You are loved. You are fully supported.”
When I think I have to do it myself, Spirit reminds me to Ask and it is given.
When I am frustrated, Spirit is in my breath, inviting me to the Source if Peace within me.
I am here by Divine appointment. I am right here, in this moment, in this Life, in this world for a reason.I remember my life within the Presence of the Divine and welcome It into my every thought, decision, and action. I choose to hear God’s Wisdom, I make good choices. I bring Spirit’s Love into all relationships.
I commit to my daily spiritual practice and allow meditation, Prayer Treatment, and journaling to bring me closer to the Truth of my being. I am a unique expression through which the Divine expresses. Wherever I am, there too is God.
Thank you for this reminder today. Gratefully, I know this is the Truth.
every day and for all eternity. I am grateful that my Life. I am grateful the guidance of Spirit.
I love my Life, and release this prayer to the activity of the Absolute.I lean into my Good and the Good of all Life.I accept and willing receive it.
And So It Is!
Prayer for Health
I now stand in the awareness of the One. the One Presence, the One Power, the One Life. This One Life is what I call God, the Infinite Intelligence that is the source and resource of the Universe. I recognize this One Power is at the center of all of life. It is the Divine Substance of everything seen and unseen. It permeates, penetrates, and fills everything in the Universe. It is everywhere present.
It is the Truth of life; the Truth of my life. I am, God is. Everywhere I go, God is. I Am God in action. I am created in the Spiritual image and nature of the One. The creative intelligence and power that has created the heavens and earth is always available to me. I claim my oneness with God.
As God through me, I speak this word for perfect health. I release all ideas of sickness, illness, or dis-ease. God is perfect health, wholeness, and well-being. As I align with this profound Truth I reveal perfect health, wholeness, and well-being. I am whole perfect and complete. I express it now in every way!
I give thanks for the power of Spirit flowing through me. I am grateful for my perfectly functioning body. Everything always works out for me. I open to the Divine guidance within. I allow perfect health now. I am grateful for my life, and my life is good.
From this awareness, I am filled with gratitude. I release my word into the Law f Mind Action, knowing my word returns to me abundantly fulfilled. I let it be so now. And so, it is.
Knowing the Truth of my Body
Anchored in the awareness of Oneness, I recognize my life is the life of Spirit. All is God.
I am God individualizing Itself in, through, and as me!
All that is True of God is also my Truth.
God is perfection, wholeness, health and wellbeing. I relax and align myself to this awareness. Divine health is my health. God is my wellbeing.
My body is strong, healthy and well…capable of amazing things.
Each and every part of my body right now resonates with this Truth.
Each and every cell of my body, each and every tissue, tendon, muscle, organ easily restores balance and harmony.
I claim Perfect Health and Wellbeing!
I speak it and I feel it!
Grateful and feeling better every minute, I release this affirmative prayer treatment into the Law of Mind in Action.
I know it is already in motion, I accept it! I allow it! I feel It!
Gratefully, I live a healthy, vibrant, joyous, and abundant life, right now!
And so it is!
Emotional Health and Well-Being
Emotional Balance
There is only One Power and One Presence. It is everywhere present, seen and unseen. I call it Source, Spirit, God.
It is, and I am.
I am an individualized expression of this One. Everything is God!
The Infinite harmony and balance of this Universal Force, this One Presence and Power is accessible to me always in all ways.
It is the Truth already present in me, moving through me, and showing up as me. The more I am aware of this loving presence, the more it expands and expresses.
I choose to deliberately connect with this balance and harmony.
I feel the harmony as balanced emotions. God is Love, I am Love and as Love, I feel and express Love.
Because God it Joy, I am Joy and as Joy, I feel and express Joy.
All my feelings are Divine. I allow them to guide my decisions to a life of peace and joy, balance and trust.
I am the author of my life. I choose my path by how I feel.
I release all that no longer serves my highest and best life. I choose Love. I AM Love!
I AM Peacefulness and Compassion.
I AM anchored, grounded and aligned with the Infinite I AM, that I am.
I honour my feelings.
Consciously I live, move and have my being guided by the Divine within.
I radiate harmony and balance, and it expresses all around me.
I am grateful to know this Truth and joyously live it!
I release this prayer into the Law of Mind. knowing it is received and already answered!
And so it is!
Financial Health and Well-Being
God is the Infinite Source of All.
All things emanate from this Source and are found within it.
I am tapped into the Divine flow of prosperity. All I require flows from this boundless Source of All that is. I receive it now.
Money is one channel through which the Divine supplies. I accept money into my life for I am prosperous. I step into the flow of abundance.
I accept, allow and, I receive all my Good in all it’s ways.
I feel safe, supported and joy-filled.
Scarcity is a construct. Abundance truly exists… God is prosperity. God is Me!
Abundance flows within my mind and my heart. I feel my prosperity. I create the mental equivalent in my thoughts, feelings and imaginings.
Spirit, as me, responds with a resounding YES! I claim Prosperity, Abundance, Wealth, Opulence!
I give generously and receive in kind. It is given to me according to my consciousness.
I am prosperity!
I am filled with Thanksgiving and Gratitude.
Knowing, feeling, and acting as prosperity, it is already answered
in the Mind of God and in my life. It is done!
And so it is!
Prayer for Relationship
I breathe and relax. This is what I know. There is one power, one presence, one life: the life of God.
I recognize this one life is everywhere present, seen and unseen.
I recognize that God is at the very center of all of life. I live within the Infinite Presence of God. God is all there is.
Right where I am, God is. I am the presence of the Divine.
Recognizing and acknowledging my oneness in God, I speak this word for all of my relationships.
Every relationship is God expressing. I realize I am unconditional love.
Every relationship I have provides me with the opportunity to express unconditional love.
I declare all of my relationships as being blessings, right now.
Knowing my word is already heard, I give thanks. I am grateful for the loving relationships that I experience in my life now.
I am grateful for the unconditional love I experience and express. I love myself just as I am.
I bless my relationships with my family and friends. I feel joy flowing through me now. I am grateful.
Filled with gratitude, I release my word into the awesome activity of love and law.
I know my word returns my word to me completely fulfilled. I allow. It is Done!
And so, it is. Amen
Right and Perfect Relationships
In this moment, I remember the Truth, I know Infinite Spirit is all of Life. It is my life, It is possibilities. It is grand and wonderful.
I am conscious of my eternal connection. As I am, I attract into my life experience. I express in clear and compassionate ways. I am nurturing and supportive. I am love and assistance.
I create a life of balance and harmony with in me. I see the law of reciprocity in action as all these things in my life and relationships. As I am , experience. I am blessed.
I recognize that each relationship is whole, perfect, and complete. Every relationship is an opportunity to express my Divine nature.
I easily create healthy boundaries in my experience, as I honour the boundaries of others.
I am at the center of a sacred circle of relationships.
My life is filled with laughter, conversation, camaraderie, and community.
I see the Divine Magnificence of Life as I live my best life. I openly encourage and facilitate the good in all relationships.
Anchored in Truth I release these wondrous thoughts, God responds with a YES YES YES! I live each moment in gratitude and joyful thanksgiving.
Knowing It is already so. I proclaimAnd so it is!
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