April 7: Your Gentleness is Showing
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April 7: Your Gentleness is Showing
April 7, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Monthly Theme: Giant Gentleness
Book Recommendation: A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers
April 7: Your Gentleness is Showing
Forgetting who you are is part of the journey. Therefore, let gentleness be your most trusted travel companion.
I let my gentleness reveal my giant Self.
Monthly Summary: In those flashes when we are conscious of our Oneness there is an openness and all-encompassing Love. In all the other moments in our lives we need or, really, deserve Giant Gentleness. This month we remember that gentleness is actually a powerful thing. And giant gentleness opens us up to who we say we want to be. It lets all the moments of our lives be sacred and holy, even the sucky ones. Each week we expand our awareness of gentleness. Starting of course with ourselves, we acknowledge how we can allow all the moments to be for our highest and best. We’ll move beyond judgment and embrace active compassion in our relationships with others. We breathe gentleness into our communities, our politics, and our activities. Finally, we celebrate the moments of embodying the giant and continuing the journey.
Today’s Topic: Gentleness is not just letting yourself off the hook and giving yourself a free pass. Nor is gentleness weakness or meekness. At its core gentleness takes awareness, compassion, and gratitude for who you are and where you are. It takes courage to choose to be gentle, but it is a worthy exploration. Gentleness reminds you that you are so much more than you give yourself credit for. It allows the pain, sorrow, fear, & doubt to be for your highest good. It opens you up to see things differently and to be okay with being yourself.
Unity Point of View: There is One Universal Energy/Life/God. It is in all as all. Each of us is an individualized expression of this All. As such we are perfect, whole, and complete as we are. Every moment is sacred and holy. Part of the human condition is forgetting these essential Truths. And then remembering them is our practice. Active faith and dedication to these practices and principles bring into form the life we were meant to live.
Because “we believe in God, the one and only omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent Spirit-Mind”,(Charles Fillmore) I trust that this day I am sufficiently equipped (omnipotent) and guided (omniscient) to be present (omnipresent) to all circumstances and people that come my way.
- Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are. ~ Brene Brown – The Gifts of Imperfection, p 50
- Compassion is something like a sense of care, a sense of concern for others’ difficulties and pain. ~ Dalai Lama – The Wisdom of Forgiveness, p 166
- If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete. ~ Jack Kornfield – Buddha’s Little Instruction Book
- I would like to suggest that there is nothing more important you could ever do for yourself, … than to tune into the frequency of gratitude and joy. ~ Pam Grout – Thank and Grow Rich, p 17